Christmas Event 2: Defense of Arborea

Details were released on the newest kTera Christmas event! It’s called “The Defense of Arborea”. I will be trying it out at least once over the next couple days; I’ll update with a bunch of screenshots when I do. :)

[Event Time]
Monday, December 10th 2012 to Thursday, December 13th, 2012.
7:00 PM until 10:00 PM.

[Event Information]
During the event hours, hordes of boss monsters will storm the northern gates of Velika. It’s up to the soldiers of the Valkyon Federation to rescue the city! GMs will fight alongside players in this event.

[Summoned Monsters]
Huzrat the Tyrant
Kelthuzad Vulcan
Yunaras Snaggletooth
Traverse Mutilator
Traverse Sovereign

* The free-to-play server may have a different set of monsters summoned.
* All of these monsters, with the exception of the final two, are lvl 58 – 60 rare spawn (“named”) BAMs. They’re the ones farmed by Vanarch guilds for policy points. The final two are the bosses from Nexus Traverse.

[GM Participants]
GM Leona, GM Silver Lane, GM Hazel Eyes, GM Evan, GM Elena, GM Geona, GM Cavan, GM Cran, GM Parness, and GM Floor will be participating in the events.

~ by Jacqui on December 10, 2012.

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